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FINALLY! We are able to get out and do SOMETHING! Phase two has been going on since June 1st, but the zoos opened back up on the 18th. At last we can go enjoy them! Well...I did at least. With all the new rules of not touching the glass or cages, the "you have to walk this way" arrows, and no playground, I'm not sure it was the exciting "welcome back to the zoo" that Riley was expecting. I could tell she had fun, but not nearly as much as before. Since this trip featured in this vlog, we have asked if she wanted to go to the zoo or the park (pre-COVID her answer was always the zoo) this time without hesitation she said the park. This new normal will take a little getting used to. But I'm happy we are slowly on our way there.

Last bit. Here is the last vlog for our 8 day road trip. We had so much fun and I can't believe how much video I captured of all of it. I am so happy that I did! We made so many memories and I can't wait until Riley and Tyler are older and I am able to show them these videos. Tyler will get to laugh at his amazing tongue skills and Riley can crack up at how scary that elk was. In this last portion we call this our "beach" part of the trip. Almost all this video is the different beaches we hit, Kalahlock, Ocean Shores, Cape Disappointment, and Cannon Beach. There are a few hikes in there too.

Part two of this week long trip! In this part of our trip we were able to explore the North Cascades, Deception Pass, hop on a ferry and head over to Port Angeles. While we were there we visited family and the Olympic Game farm (which took up most of this video because all that I recorded was jut too funny not to share). This really was a trip to remember!

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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