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Tyler's First Year

How? That's the only word I can think of to describe what I am feeling. HOW? How is my baby boy one year old already?? This year was definitely not what I expected his first year of life to be like, but honestly, I truly believe it is exactly what Heavenly Father wanted. This year we may not have gotten to play at the beach a lot, but we were able to bond as a family, maybe we couldn't go to parks like normal, but every day we were able wake up the 6 of us (Grandma and Grandpa included) and have breakfast together or play with one another. This year flew by. This little boy went from scaring the crap out of me with how he decided to enter this world, to stealing my heart and making me laugh daily. He is such a happy baby and really makes you want to snuggle him as much as possible. He is getting closer and closer to talking and walking and I thought we had exhausting lives now! I can only imagine what they will be like then! Riley loves her little bro and we all can't wait for them to run around outside or down the hall playing make-believe. This little boy has been a blessing from God and has helped make our family complete. This video is all the adventures this little boy got into this year. Hopefully you will enjoy watching it almost as much as we enjoyed living it.


Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...

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