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Riley was off with Grandma and Grandpa for the day and then Grammy and Papa said they could take know what that means...DATE DAY! Cameron and I haven't had a date DAY since he came to visit after moving down to Utah before us. Yes, it has been about two and a half years since we have gotten a day for us. Sure we have done date night and gone to a movie, but to see each other in the daylight and do an activity? Amazing. So for this date we decided to take a trip to Snoqualmie Falls and just take in the beauty and the kids free moment. Cameron took some photos and we just enjoyed time with one another. Such a great day and thank you to the wonderful grandparents who helped make it so!

Follow Cameron on his photography Facebook page for continual photo updates!

We took advantage of this beautiful Washington weather. After literally 80 days of gloomy rain, we finally had some sun! And not only sun, 57 degrees and sun! It was way too nice a day not to enjoy it outside. I decided it would be fun to take the kids out to the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. Mom got me a joint PDZA and North West Trek pass for my birthday so look forward to a NW Trek vlog in the future! This was Tyler's first zoo trip (other than Zoo lights which doesn't really count as a ZOO trip) and I think he had a blast. Riley and I did after being cooped up for so long!

This is my year! I can feel it! I had a wonderful birthday with my favorite people. We started by going to a little petting zoo called Debbie Dolittle's and followed that up with a movie date just Cameron and I. After we went to a nice family dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory. I really had a wonderful day and I can't wait to see what 28 brings me!

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Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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