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We decided to make the best of our quarantine situation and have a backyard campout. While editing I was very disappointed with myself at how little video I actually took, but some is better than none! We had a really great time in our warm evening hanging out by the fire and playing games as a family. Sure wish the night was warmer than 38 degrees though! Burrr!

This year Easter was a little different. We couldn't go to church, we didn't get to do a community Easter egg hunt, and we didn't get to see any of Cam's side of the family. It was odd and strange. But it was also a great Easter. It was Tyler's first and he looked so dapper in his little button polo and Riley looked like a doll in her Easter dress (yes, I made my family dress nice for an Easter picture even though we couldn't leave the house). We were able to go on a neighborhood egg hunt (where we just looked, didn't touch), had an amazing dinner with my family, and the Easter Bunny left some pretty nice baskets for the kids. It was a different type of Easter, but we were with each other, so it was a great one.

Here is the rest of March. Our lives may have been flipped upside down, but in a lot of ways it is for the better. It has helped us remember the power of a close family. Hopefully when we go back to the normal world, we will remember this important thing. Have fun watching the Lines family remember the most important thing, enjoying one another and finding the fun in every day.

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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