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I feel like every year I make a snow day vlog, but come on, snow days are SO MUCH FUN! We may have only gotten half an inch, but we took advantage of it! Tyler took his nap while Riley and I went to make snow angels, and have a snowball fight! Here's to hoping we have more snow to come this winter!

Happy New Year!! (A month late, but better late than never!) We hope these first few months of 2020 has been as great for your family as it has been for us! Take a look at the way the Lines family rang in the new year. No big parties, just some quality family time!

We finally are all caught up to 2020! I am planning on this being the last of my "Double" vlog posts (more than one a week, I mean) so enjoy! I plan on going back to one a week, or whenever we have something fun worth sharing!

Here is the last half of the year's random moments. We had so few videos that didn't fit into any other vlog that I decided to jam them all together in one of their own. So these are all of our random videos for August through December 2019.

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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