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For some reason we did so much in May that I couldn't put it into one vlog. But it was all so random, I couldn't make own vlogs for different activities. So here we are, one vlog for the fun indoor stuff and another for the fun outdoor ones. Enjoy all our May adventures.

So much random has been going on with quarantine that I totally forgot my new plan. I am not going to lie, these "random recap" vlogs really aren't my favorite, but I know I would never watch so many of these cute videos again if I never made them! So my new plan was to make "quarterly" recaps. So January-March, April-June, etc. However, with quarantine, turns out I am making them monthly anyways! But I can't forget about January and February. So here they are, a few months late, back when Riley's hair was long and Tyler couldn't sit yet. Here is our flashback.

We had the amazing opportunity to spend the night with our friends in an epic tree house. Yes, this did mean we had to break the "social distancing" rule...but come on! A TREE HOUSE! Its been over two weeks since then and we are totally fine, so I think its okay that we got to have this experience. Plus, our friends got engaged that weekend! We couldn't miss that! So enjoy the AMAZING weekend we got to have. Did I mention it was kid free? ;)

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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