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Honestly, there is no excuse as to why I am getting you vlogs every two weeks instead of every one! I have 6 lined up waiting for you! I'm sorry and I will work on being more on top of it! As for now take a look at this...

We are currently living in the house I grew up in. This means, that the playhouse in the backyard, where Paul and I made some of the best summer memories, is just sitting there, waiting for Riley and Tyler to make some memories of their own. But was a dump! The colors completely clashed (due to the attempt my old friend and I made trying to make it into a club house back in high school), the wall paper was peeling from being there for 30+ years, and it was just OLD looking. So I decided before letting my kids make some memories, I needed to revamp it up for them. This is a vlog of me finally getting some hours to myself to create their own little space. I am so proud of how it turned out. I have finished the inside, but the outside still needs work. One step at a time!

We decided to make the best of our quarantine situation and have a backyard campout. While editing I was very disappointed with myself at how little video I actually took, but some is better than none! We had a really great time in our warm evening hanging out by the fire and playing games as a family. Sure wish the night was warmer than 38 degrees though! Burrr!

This year Easter was a little different. We couldn't go to church, we didn't get to do a community Easter egg hunt, and we didn't get to see any of Cam's side of the family. It was odd and strange. But it was also a great Easter. It was Tyler's first and he looked so dapper in his little button polo and Riley looked like a doll in her Easter dress (yes, I made my family dress nice for an Easter picture even though we couldn't leave the house). We were able to go on a neighborhood egg hunt (where we just looked, didn't touch), had an amazing dinner with my family, and the Easter Bunny left some pretty nice baskets for the kids. It was a different type of Easter, but we were with each other, so it was a great one.

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Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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