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Riley got to have a playdate with her best friend, Gil! We had so much fun, so much exhausting fun...or maybe I was the only one exhausted? Haha

These two are the cutest little kids ever. Enjoy <3

I would say we finally are all caught up, but as I typed this I realized that it is in fact October already. How is that?! So here is August's adventures and before October is over, you will see Septembers. I do enjoy these vlogs because they are so random, but I think I will enjoy them even more once I am able to post them on schedule. Look for them the first Thursday of every month (after September's). I have about 10 other vlogs all ready to go to post. It's been hard holding back and not posting them because they are so fun! But all this means is that now we have weeks and weeks of for sure entertainment coming your way! I just need to get better about posting on

We got the chance to go to the Utah State Fair! I will admit, it sure isn't anything like the Puyallup Fair, but we were happy we got the chance to go and get out as a family.

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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