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We had a Spooktacular Halloween season! While I am very excited to move into our Christmas events, this is the fun we had ALL October that is Halloween related. Enjoy our jammed, crammed, and packed Halloween edition of our vlog!

*Yes I know I said today I would be posting our October recap vlog today, but come on, the day after Halloween?? I have to show you the fun we got into!

Riley and I were able to spend some one on one time at the Hogel Zoo! Normally we do this for our weekly playdate, but this time around it was just us. We had a lot of fun.

Please note, we videoed this in September, which is why they are setting up for Zoo Boo and it isn't in full swing yet.

And just like that, we are finally all caught up! From now on, look for our recap videos the first week of the following month. So look for October's recap on Thursday November 1st.

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Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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