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Welcome to 2019! We are all settled in and happily living back in Washington. Get ready for our weekly Thursday posts (even if it is at 8:30 pm...oops). I have quite a few weeks all ready for you guys!

This week we will take a look back at how the Lines family celebrated our first (and only) Christmas away from home. I would like to think it was a giant success.

Moving away from a place you called home for a year (or half of your life) is hard. But it is even harder when you leave your best friend. Riley and Gil became the best of friends while living in Utah and it was so hard to see them have to say goodbye. Luckily, we have all become such good friends we plan on doing trips to see each other at least twice a year. Because lets face it, these two are meant to be.

You know, for how many vlogs I put out these last two months, I am shocked at how long this recap came out to be!  Here are all of the random, fun, and crazy videos this little family of mine got up to in November.

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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