With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog comes with a built-in members area - so that readers can easily sign easily up to become members of your blog.
What can members do?
Members can follow each other, write and reply to comments and receive blog notifications. Each member gets their own personal profile page that they can customize.
You can make any member of your blog a writer so they can write posts for your blog. Adding multiple writers is a great way to grow your content and keep it fresh and diversified.
Here’s how to do it:
Head to your Member’s Page
Search for the member you want to make a writer
Click on the member’s profile
Click the 3 dot icon ( â ‡) on the Follow button
Select Set as Writer
Sorry it is a day late, a sickness has hit the Lines family (okay, just Riley and I, knock on wood) so my brain thought of nothing but getting better yesterday, which did not happen. Hopefully I kick this cold's butt by tomorrow for my birthday! Fingers crossed.
Anyway....so this is not one of our most entertaining vlogs, I will be honest haha. Unless you love watching me talk to a camera for 15 minutes. This is all of the adventures Riley and I got into on our way home from Utah back to Washington. I'll give you a little spoiler. There was no adventures. We sat in a car for 15 hours...ENJOY :)
Welcome to 2019! We are all settled in and happily living back in Washington. Get ready for our weekly Thursday posts (even if it is at 8:30 pm...oops). I have quite a few weeks all ready for you guys!
This week we will take a look back at how the Lines family celebrated our first (and only) Christmas away from home. I would like to think it was a giant success.