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So, I love the e-mail system WIX has provided me to be able to let you all know right away when I have uploaded a vlog (or lately, when I have uploaded two!). But because I am only using their free version, it only lets me send out three emails a month. This means that you may not get notified of some vlogs I upload. Just be sure to always check to make sure you are up-to-date on our latest adventure. For example, I now only have one more email notification I can use this month. Two weeks I won't be able to email you. Be sure to randomly check for new updates, or when you get your next email in February, you will have several fun vlogs to watch!

If you are new to our page and have no idea what I am talking about, go to our subscribe tab and sign up! I love to know that people actually watch our crazy adventures!

This Halloween was kind of a blur. Being 9 months pregnant, we didn't get to do as much as I was hoping for, but we were able to go to the pumpkin patch and Riley got to do some Halloween parties in her costume! I don't have any video of her trick-or-treating because I was home with our newest member of the family and daddy forgot to take any...but anyway, she loved the Halloween season! I hope you love our video! This is another vlog that is home movie style, so enjoy this short random video type of filming. We will be getting back to actually vlogging soon! I promise ;)

Here is the vlog you all have been waiting for! We are all happy and excited to welcome Tyler Lenes Lines to our family. He has been such a wonderful little baby these first few months! Here are just random clips of him for the remainder of the year. I am excited for him to be part of our vlogs starting in 2020! Well...I mean the vlogs I start to film this year, I am aware it is already 2020...haha. Anyway...this is just his introduction vlog, look for a much more sentimental and "awww" worthy vlog for his first birthday, just like I did for Riley. If you would like to rewatch her "First Year" video here it is:

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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