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That's right! HOW?! How is my baby girl four??! She is growing into such a wonderful girl. She really does love her brother and her mama. She definitely has her moments that make me want to pull my hair out but I love her so much I am so grateful for every day I have been blessed with her. I know Cameron was walking right along with us in that Tiger King type zoo we went to. He was singing nice and loud with the rest of us as she blew out her candles. And he gave her the biggest "I love you, Happy Birthday" kiss good night. She is going to grow into a young lady that is going to make her daddy so proud.

This is the first vlog without Cameron in our lives. It was definitely a harder one to film. I had to keep reminding myself to pull out my camera. I kept telling myself "he would want this!" So here it is, Thanksgiving through December. I got enough content to have Christmas Eve and Christmas it's own vlog so tune in for that in a couple weeks. As for this, it just has Thanksgiving and some fun holiday activities that we were able to do this year. It wasn't the "Hap-hap-happiest Christmas Season" I had tried to plan, but I think the kids really had a nice time none the less.

I wanted to do one final vlog of 2020 and just clump all of my random moment videos in one, but honestly, after October I pretty much only took random moment videos. So I have way too many to put November and December's into this one vlog (that one will be posted in a few weeks). This vlog is my very last one to have Cam in it. It was kind of surreal editing that and knowing that. When I edited Tyler's Birthday I knew I had one more, but with this being the last it kind of hit hard. However, there is a pretty awesome moment that really captured his personality. Let's see if you can catch it 😉 Love you all ❤

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Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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