I turned 29 this year! How is that even possible? I tried really hard to make a vlog today and I sort of did? Not much happened today. It was a very relaxing and lazy birthday. I feel like that is what I needed this year. I wish I looked less depressed in this video...but you know 🤷♀️ Hopefully this year is a lot better than 28.
This was the first adventure without Cam. It was great and a nightmare wrapped all in one. His three month "anniversary" (I don't know what you would call it) of his accident and our 12 year dating anniversary fell on the same day. I decided we needed a major distraction that day. It didn't go 100% like I had planned. The video cuts off before the real excitement of the trip. Riley was having a meltdown on the way home because Tyler was making noise. This broke me. I just sobbed because it was so hard to do this alone. I asked Riley why she was so upset and she said she missed Daddy. We just held each other and cried. It was a huge step in the right direction of our healing together, but man did it suck.
THANK GOODNESS 2020 is GONE! I understand that in reality, the world is still on fire in 2021 but it is not 2020 therefore it is already better in my books. 2020 was really an awful year near the end. But I do remind myself of how much fun we had as a family in the beginning. With Cameron being laid off for those few months because of COVID, we got all that extra time with him we would have missed. It really was a blessing. I look back at my 2020 vlogs and am so happy to see all the memories we made with the four of us. This next year is going to prove challenges of its own, trying to live life without Daddy, but we can do it. Everything is gonna be okay ❤ Welcome, 2021.