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THANK GOODNESS 2020 is GONE! I understand that in reality, the world is still on fire in 2021 but it is not 2020 therefore it is already better in my books. 2020 was really an awful year near the end. But I do remind myself of how much fun we had as a family in the beginning. With Cameron being laid off for those few months because of COVID, we got all that extra time with him we would have missed. It really was a blessing. I look back at my 2020 vlogs and am so happy to see all the memories we made with the four of us. This next year is going to prove challenges of its own, trying to live life without Daddy, but we can do it. Everything is gonna be okay ❤ Welcome, 2021.

Last vlog of 2020! Honestly, I should just call this video "Tyler learning to Walk" because I feel like that is 90% of this video 😂 Like I had mentioned in my last post, after Cameron passed, I found myself taking more random videos than vlog form. I've said it before, the random moment or "recap" vlogs I post aren't my favorite. They are too chaotic and unorganized for me haha, but there are a lot of cute random videos that I know I'd never watch again if I didn't put them in some type of vlog. I hope you all aren't as OCD as me and enjoy the little random moments my little family made.

Sorry for the double post this week! I just am trying to get a vlog out every Thursday (while I have them ready. I have like 5-6 more waiting for ya!) and I was late last week!

Merry Christmas to all and to all! I mean...I know it's March now, but...Merry late (or very early) Christmas! Thanks for not caring that I am months off when it comes to releasing my content! This is how the Lines (and Smith) family spent our Christmas this last year. Simple, but surrounded by family (as much family as we could in these COVID times). It was nice and relaxing. Something we really needed more than I thought we did.

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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