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COVID Diaries...and a Whole Lot of Pokémon

Oh my gosh! Thank you all for being so patient! We took a two week trip to Utah at the beginning of May but for some reason when we got home my computer didn't turn on...luckily I have 4 vlogs already ready to post (that I completely forgot about which is why it is June now and I am just getting these out...) I am going to continue to try to get my computer on, but until I do, the vlogs I have go through February. As of right now, I have lost all of my videos for March and April 😭 so lots of prayers that I can get my computer turned back on! But until then, I will just start making vlogs from May onward. So if chronological order gets messed up in the future that's why. Thank you for understanding. But now....let's get on with the vlog!

So, I got COVID back at the beginning of February. Luckily, I had very minor symptoms. I never had trouble breathing which I am so grateful for! I've actually gotten both vaccine shots already and I had worse symptoms with those than I did with actual COVID. So crazy how this disease effects everyone differently. This is my video letting you guys know how it was. I also included all the videos I took of us during our actual lock-down quarantine and I forgot what a HUGE Pokémon phase Riley was enjoy that haha. Also, my final quarantine day was Valentine's Day. It was a snow day (which you'll see in a future vlog) but for now, you can see the kids opening up a gift or two.


Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...

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