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Happy 4th! Though we are in October already when this finally airs haha. But this was how our 4th of July went. There was a horrible silence without Cam, but us friends gathered together to make the weekend a good one.

First off, I need to give a MAJOR shout out to my amazing sister in law, Shannon. She took over half of these videos. I am so grateful for her. When I didn't know if I wanted to keep vlogging she was one of the ones to help me see I needed to continue. She also helps contribute to my vlogs at times which has really been amazing. And she even video tapes "the right way" now 😉 This vlog in particular I would say classifies more so under awesome home videos than a vlog. There wasn't much talking vlog style, but it still showed what a great trip we had and I love it. Thank you again for inviting us, Shan!

Riley and I got Wild Waves passes! I am so excited! Cameron and I were going to take her last year but it was closed due to COVID. I'm really glad it is opened this year. Mom and Dad watched Tyler for a couple hours for me to take her and show her what this place is all about. Sometime soon (probably already by the time this vlog airs) we will go all day and bring brother along. Wish me luck on that one!

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Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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