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This has nothing to do with this vlog but I just wanted to say I know how old my husband is and for some reason labeled all his birthday stuff 32...Cameron turned 31 this year...widow brain. Never had anything like it 😂🤦‍♀️

Now back to this vlog...October is one of my favorite months! It was definitely harder this year coming up on Cameron's one year mark, but we made sure to keep busy and have a fun spooky season!

Here is July, August, and September's random moments! I had way more than I expected so it's a little longer. That is also because it includes Cassidy and Lexie's wedding where 4 of Riley's father figures danced with her. Oh, and it includes at least 3 minutes of Riley singing songs about enjoy that 😂

Updated: Dec 28, 2021

The year of first is obviously going to be hard. So I did my best to fill it with as many distractions as I could. I decided Cameron's birthday needed to be big and it needed to be fun. The ironic thing is, this was the most celebrated birthday for him since him and I have been together. More people showed up to his first birthday since he was gone than when he was actually here. Funny how that works...anyway. I think it turned out perfect. I felt him so much all day and I know he was there with us celebrating right along. I don't know if I will go all out every year of keep it simple from here on out, but I just know for the first year without him, this was perfect.

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