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February was a fun month with lots of enjoyment! We had a lot of snow, a visit from Grandma, and just some fun getting used to the new place we lived.

I was looking back through all my old videos and realized I had some pretty cute clips just sitting there, never being watched. I also knew I would never watch them unless I put them in a vlog. That is when I got the idea to do a recap vlog at the end of every month.

I did a year recap in December for Riley's first year, so I decided to start in January and move forward. Get ready for the next 6 weeks of random videos all smooshed together. It isn't in a typical vlog style, but it will be fun to watch and look back on years to come just the same.

Once I am all caught up with "recap" vlogs, I really, really, am going to try to get back to doing once a week vlogs. I know you don't believe me, and I don't blame you! But I will try! I always forget how much I enjoy it, until I actually do it.

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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