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I never realized how important mommy friends are. The thought of this post came to me as I was listening to the radio this morning. They were doing a story of another blogger who created a blog telling the world that once one of her friends got pregnant, she was done with them. They had nothing in common and their priorities changed, so why be friends with them anymore? When I first heard this, my thoughts were, who could do something like that? But then, I thought about it a little more.

I do not agree with how she handles that situation (I also have not read the blog myself, I just know what they were talking on the radio). But I think I see where she is coming from. As a mom, our priorities do change. We no longer want (or are able) to go to the bars until 2 am, or are able to drop everything we are doing to head out on an adventure. That can be a complete life altering thing for any friendship to go through. However, do say "I'm done with you" all together? That seems a bit far.

This got me thinking about how lucky I am to have friends that stuck by me once I became pregnant and that I have found friends that are mommies too.

My friends and I did have a let's go to the bar until late in the morning type of relationship. Obviously, they know that is not in the cards for us anymore. Unless there is a night where my wonderful husband is able to stay home with Riley, which does happen. However, even since moving, we still have a very tight friendship and I am thankful for that.

But one of the friendships I am most grateful for is a new one. When moving to Utah I was not excited. I was leaving all my family and friends behind on a hope that our life would be better down here. In Washington I was able to hang out with Cameron's sister weekly and our kids could play together (she has an older son and one who is Riley's age, so it worked out great.) Down here we had Cameron's brother's family who does have four kids, the youngest just a year older than Riley, so it was fine too. When we first moved we would do weekly or two to three times a week hang outs. It was fun and Riley got to hang out with other kids, just what I wanted. Something still seemed to be missing though. As we lived here longer there was an employee of Cameron's who really wanted to meet me and hang out. She had a son a couple months younger than Riley and I thought, why not, let's give it a shot. It was what I needed.

While hanging out with family is amazing and definitely a top priority on my list, there is something different when you spend time with a friend. Tori and I have our playdates with our kids twice a week and it is the perfect time to chat and vent about anything (our husbands seem to be a primary topic haha).

Basically, this long post is just to say being a mommy is not supposed to be a sole person job. You need friends and other moms to help you along. When they say "it takes a village..." they are not joking. Anyway you can find ways to get people in your corner for help and advice, take that chance. Plus, its way more fun :)

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