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We finally got back at our Adventure book! I bought copies for family and friends this Christmas and it got me wanting to pull ours out again. We only were able to do two with Cameron but get ready 2022, we are going to be adventuring hard! Because that's what he would have wanted ❤

WE DID IT! Not only did I catch up and now are releasing 2022 vlogs in the correct year, BUT we made it through 2021! Honestly this year sucked. But throughout the sucky, I found a part of myself I never knew existed. I found the Allison that can kick butt at being a single mom even when life is hard. I found the Allison that can survive without her second half, no matter how difficult some days are. I found the Allison that broke to nothing just to rise up to something beautiful. I am SO excited to see what 2022 brings. Because after last year, I am looking for a good one. No surprised 2022. Come in nice and let's make it a good one.

Again, I have in my calendar to send me a reminder every Thursday to post a vlog so that I stay up to date this year! So if a week goes by that nothing was posted, we probably just didn't do anything vlog worthy that week haha. But I'm hoping I will stay current enough where you aren't watching summer vlogs in the dead of winter 🤦‍♀️ Let's see how I do! Happy New Year everyone! Make it great!

We did it! We made it to the end of the year! Thank you for putting up with my two vlogs a week. I'm sure you are as burnt out as I am haha. I am already setting a reminder on my phone for every Thursday this year to post a vlog. If I skip weeks, hopefully it is because we just didn't do anything vlog worthy that week vs me being lazy and not editing for moths haha. Thank you for continuing to join me on all of our adventures. Love you all and hope you had a great New Year. Here is to 2022! No more surprises please! 🤞

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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