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Okay, it really wasn't the greatest show, but seeing as we were singing that song the whole day, (based on the circus movie, Greatest Showman) I figured it was a perfect title. This was Riley's first day of summer break so we decided to have a fun one! Honestly, the show was not fantastic and I spent way too much money haha BUT it was a good kick off to summer.

In Riley's last few weeks of school, she was able to participate in her school Bike-a-Thon where they had a blast just riding their bike around and doing different activities that the teachers had set up. A few weeks after, Riley was able to graduate! I know a silly PreK graduation may be silly, but I definitely cried for at least half of it. I am so proud of my beautiful girly. She has had to grow up to fast, but she is such an inspiration when it comes to shining her light and being her. I love you baby girl. Kindergarten bound!

We had an awesome time in New York visiting all our amazing family! Check out the preview for my Welcome to New York series that will be up in a couple weeks! Can't wait to go back ❤

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Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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