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I really did mean that I would upload a vlog once a week, and yes, I picked Thursday as my day to upload. You may notice it is Friday and there is no upload. This last week kind of got away from us. Let me talk about what happened...

Cameron has been working really hard to provide for Riley and I. He has been doing wonderfully. Unfortunately there was some hiccups in his job and it looks like I need to pick one up. LUCKILY I found this amazing company (more about it to come...) where I am allowed to stay home and work when Riley is sleeping. So I spent this last week getting ready for the interview and in a blink of an eye, it was Wednesday and I recorded nothing. This will change next week though. Stay tuned for the update of our crazy lives. Thank you for understanding and keeping up with us! ❤️

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Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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