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This family loves to geocache! It is so much fun to explore the outdoors and see what fun we can find.

Side note, I finally went back and edited all the vlogs I have to upload! So be prepared for a vlog a week for the next couple weeks. They also will be all the way back from February until now....but ignore that haha.

Yep, you read that right! Riley is going to get the chance to be a big sister! FINALLY! This has been a rough 8 months with 15 negative pregnancy tests; but we finally got those two lines. We are not getting our summer baby like we had hoped for, but a Halloween baby doesn't sound so bad. Actually it is due on November 6, but Riley was 9 days early, so maybe this one will want a spooky birthday. That is what mama is hoping for at least!

So as much as I want to say I will continue posting weekly (or every other week as I have been for these last few vlogs) I don't want to promise anything. I was a constant vlogger before I was pregnant with Riley. Then all the exhaustion, crankiness, and pain set in. I wanted to do nothing! With this being number two, I am a little more prepared for what my body is about to handle, but I didn't have to handle it with a two year old running around last time. That is a whole new level of tired. I will try my best to continue uploading. I currently have all the videos for about 4 more vlogs, I just have to compile them. Hopefully I can get to it during Riley's nap time, rather than take a nap for myself! But until then, thank you for sticking around. If you subscribe, you will get an email any time a new vlog is posted!

Oh my gosh, I'm sorry this is about three weeks late...some crazy stuff has been going on! (tune in next weekend to find out what!)

Anyway, it's true. This is the title Washington gave to this snow storm. Coming from Utah this last year, I found it hilarious. People were raiding the shelves of local groceries stores as if they were going to be snowed in for weeks or more. I didn't get many videos, but what I did was pretty cute. We were just enjoying the winter wonderland that followed us up from Utah.

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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