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Here are the Easter videos that I haven't been able to watch in over a year! It was so crazy to see Tyler looking so young. I have really enjoyed these flashback episodes since they are all new to me! I hope you are enjoying them too.

I had the chance to go to my first ever Comicon! Bri turned 30 the week of the Emeral City Comicon and she wanted to dress up as Loki and Sylvie (girl Loki) and hit up the event. It was such a cool experience! We got to meet Steve from the original Blue's Clues and I met Felicia Day who is from Supernatural. It was such a fun time and I can't wait to go back!

Probably the most boring vlog I ever made but I wanted to document how proud I am of myself! So this vlog is more for me and I will not be offended if you skip it 😂 It literally is just me cleaning out my storage unit back in March 2021.

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Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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