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This year we were a lot more chill than last year. It was kind of perfect. I took the kids' bowling and my brother decided to tag along. After that, any family and friends that wanted to join could meet with us at his spot and sing him Happy Birthday. It was just what we needed.

We decided to celebrate the last day of summer by heading off to the fair! While there, we ran into Riley's BEST friend from Preschool! Due to a crazy summer on both of our ends, we were not able to meet up this summer. This was the absolute perfect way to kick off Kindergarten!

Part 3 of 3

In this last video of our Oregon trip, the kids and I swim one last time at our hotel pool then head off to the Oregon Zoo. That is quite an amazing zoo! Anytime we have a chance to go see new ones, we are down!

This trip was definitely one of my favorite 2022 memories. Any chance I get to spend time with just me and the kids is a win (most of the time 😉)

Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...


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