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How is She FIVE?!

This girl was SPOILED this year! It started a week before her birthday. Cameron's love language was gifts. He loved giving and seeing the face on the people he cared about when they opened a gift he really thought out. I decided when he passed, any holiday or event that involved gift giving, we could all pick out one thing from him. This year I gave Riley the choice of an activity or a present. She picked bowling because "me and daddy LOVE bowling!" Then a week later it is her birthday, and we have a blast in Leavenworth in the snow and with some new reindeer friends. After that, it was time for her party (I think she liked this part the best). It was so nice to see a genuine smile on my little girl's face. Happy 5, baby girl!

**I was cleaning off my phone and found some videos mom sent me that I didn't have in her original birthday video! Its just us sledding, but I wanted them in. So here is her updated video. The rest of the video is the same.


Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...

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