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3 Weeks Going On All Year

I'm sorry, I'm another day late with my post! I cannot believe how hard this cold is kicking our butt. As of today Riley has had it for 3 week, and I'll hit 3 weeks on Monday. Luckily it's just a common cold and nothing more. I did have one day of a fever, but thankfully, Riley never caught that one. Little to say, we are ready for this cold to pass. I want to say I see a light at the end of the tunnel and it is almost gone, but Riley had a really good day yesterday and a more rough one today. It is a rollercoaster, this cold of ours. That being said, I have spent every minute either taking care of our sick baby or my sick self. So unfortunately I was not able to put together a vlog this week. I'm hoping next week will be different (I've been hoping for that for three weeks now...). Until this cold is kicked, I may have to pause to focus on our health. This is definitely not how I planned our return home to Washington to be. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.


Meet the Lines

Hello!  I am Allison, and welcome to our adventure...

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